strengthening your biblical foundation through knowledge
Offering affordable and schedule friendly classes
Earn a degree in 6 trimesters
Enroll at the start of any trimester
Four courses per trimester enroll in 1 or all 4
Accredited through Education International accreditedu.org
Offering degrees up to a BA in Bibilical Studies
Soon to offer online classes
Preparing to add several certification programs
From the Founders Pen,
Life's journey is filled with ups and downs and twists and turns that many times include obstacles that challenge our dreams and hinder our forward motion.
It is our desire at Grace Life Institute to help people overcome these obstacles through the knowledge of God's Word rightly applied. A life-time of experience in our instructors has brought forth a consistent truth; "Slow, Sure, Steady, Steps = Success".
Whatever it is that God is leading you toward, preparation is the key to what sets us apart and places us in a position of readiness for when the doors of opportunity open. Grace Life Institute is designed to strengthen your biblical foundation through knowledge and to help you discover and develop your God given gifts and talents.
This short season of preparation through your enrollment in Grace Life Institute has the potential to set you up for life, by helping to broaden your biblical understanding as you prepare to reach those dreams the Lord has placed in your heart.
Enroll today, Gods plans for you are for good!

Grace Life Institute is accredited with Education International find us at accreditedu.org to find our accreditation is in good standing.
The ideals of Education International stand proudly in-line with the concepts of Transnational Education as established by UNESCO "United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization", to develop cross-border recognition of education and learned skills.
The class structure is that of any upper educational entity, meaning we require transcripts from High School, GED, or other. We have and maintain a class audit and record keeping system. We follow an 80 (40 break 40) minute class teaching format / with a 10 week commitment per course. We issue mid-term and final exams and grade accordingly. We have a course drop policy, and attendance policy in place. There is an established number of class credits required to be eligible for degree.
At this time we can issue degrees to a BA in Biblical Studies, and if a student cannot produce a transcript they can attend for a certificate until the above requirements can be fulfilled. We also offer an entrance exam that would serve as a required transcript should one not be obtainable.
At this time our school is not recognized by USDE. However our accrediting agency Education International is actively in the process of applying for recognition. This is somewhat of a timely process but will work to great advantage for the school when this recognition is obtained.
So with that being said we hope that you would make Grace Life Institute your choice for Biblical Education.